Name : Blood Ties
Status : Completed
Number of seasons/episodes : Two seasons
Year : 2006-2007
Genre : Supernatural, Mystery, Crime, Romance, Action
Director: Peter Mohan
Main Cast : Christina Cox, Dylan Neal, Kyle Schmid, Gina Holden
Based on : Blood Books by Tanya Huff
Warnings : hot vampire, butt-kicking chick, charming policeman, evil lurking around every corner
Review : Yes, yes, I know - this is an old TV series that's been over years ago and has probably been forgotten by those who've watched it, not to mention that many people have probably never heard of it. But being so disappointed in almost all the shows I'm watching at present, I suddenly felt a strong need to see something decent and ended up rewatching this old favourite of mine, Blood Ties. Then I could not but share my excitement over the TV series with you!
The show tells the story of Vicki Nelson (Christina Cox), former police officer turned private investigator after being diagnosed with failing eyesight. A police investigation headed by her former partner and love interest Mike Celluci (Dylan Neal) leads her into the world of the supernatural and into the life of Henry Fitzroy (Kyle Schmid), a graphic novelist who, by the way, happens to be the First Duke of Richmond and illegitimate son of Henry VIII. In other words, a 500-something-year-old vampire. Little by little, Vicki gets involved into the investigation of supernatural mysteries with the help of Henry, and Mike cannot but stay close to watch over his partner while refusing to believe that things like vampires, demons and zombies exist.
All right, I admit the story is not super original, especially from today's point of view, after so many TV series and movies have exploited the topic about vampires and all that is supernatural. It is the essence of the show that makes it so appealing, at least to me. First, there are the characters, each one with his unique personality: Vicki is tough both physically and emotionally, yet vulnerable when it comes to matters of the heart; Mike is calm and trust-worthy, someone you can always count on when there's a monster wanting you for dinner; Henry is charming and seductive, but when it comes to action his punches don't miss their target and he can be very, very mature and serious when he has to (especially when he's got a deadline for his graphic novels!). And since the actors chosen to play these characters are spot-on (says I who haven't read the books), they really make the above-mentioned personalities look realistic and "come to life", so to say.
Secondly, there is the interaction between the characters. Big applause to the team that has selected these talanted actors for the roles of Vicki, Henry and Mike! They play great both on their own and together on screen. The chemistry between the trio is electrifying and makes it even more difficult for us to decide whether Vicki should be with Henry or with Mike. A proof how good the actors play their roles and interact with each other is that despite the age difference between Cox and Schmid, them being together does not look unnatural (or, as Vicki Nelson puts it in one of the episodes, "If you and I start hanging out together, people might say I'm robbing the craddle").
Then there is the dialogue. It's simply fantastic. No sign of the wooden and forced dialogues so typical of today's shows (take Beauty and the Beast, for instance). Here there are jokes, witty remarks, self-turned sarcasm, word play...It's just such fun to listen to what the characters are saying that you don't long for any action to take place!
Finally, let' not forget what makes this show what it is: the mysteries! Each episode covers a different crime that Vicki has to solve and which throws her deeper and deeper into the supernatural world. I have to admit that the mysteries are not always very complicated and that every now and then you can guess what the evil creature is or who is behind a given murder. Yet, the show does in no way fail to deliver suspense. Not being a big fan of crime series, this one managed to get me hooked so that's certainly something!
In conclusion, I definitely urge you to give Blood Ties a try if you haven't seen the show before. If the first episode does not get you addicted, wait at least until episode 3 before unliking my review ;)
I recommend it to : people fond of supernatural crime mysteries, mature fans of vampire romance
I do NOT recommend it to : Twilight fans

Favorite Scenes : Vicki dreams of a man being with her in bed and once she wakes up, realizing how real the dream felt, she runs to Henry's flat in the middle of the night to ask him: "Were you just over at my place, you know, somehow, like, in bed with me, running your hands all over my body, that kind of thing?" And when he says no she's like "Are you sure?Oh, ok, ok, good, now that's a load off." "Disappointed?", Henry asks. "No, no, releaved." "You don't look releaved!" "Oh, no, this is my releaf face!", she says not very confidenlty. Henry goes on: "Because finding me in your bed, running my hands all over your body, would be....horrible?" She smiles lightly before saying: "Well, unless you're invited..." "I'm all ears," Henry smiles back. "Now here's the catch," Vicki explains," you're a vampire, I'm a half-blind private investigator. These stories always end up tragic!"
Favorite Characters : Vicki, Henry, Mike
Favorite Quote :
Vicki: I'm trained to notice details.
Henry: So am I...Like your heart beating faster...
Vicki: Too much coffeine.
Henry: If you need to relax I can quote you some poetry...
Vicki: You could try...
Henry: Apparently it works! [leans closer]
Vicki: If you wanna know what works... [He leans even closer, bare inches from her lips]...You can get the garbage on your way out!
What I liked the most : Hmm, it is hard to pick only one out of the many things I like so much in this show. Maybe it's best to say that the combination between characters' interaction, witty dialogues, and supernatural mysteries is what got me into this series. In other words, all those things that are so difficult to find in today's tv series!
What I liked the least : The creators left the TV series unfinished! Maybe they were expecting Blood Ties to be renewed but it never was. I'm not familiar with the reasons for the show getting canceled but whatever these were, the result is still the same: the last episode of Season 2 left us, the fans, unsatisfied. Of course, it could have been worse - to finish the episode with an even bigger clifhanger, such as somebody dying or being in mortal danger. Either way, it is sad that we didn't get a proper ending. This being said, I'm not going to give any more spoilers about the series' finale :)
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I so loved this show!! And recently watched it again. I was so frustrated when the show was canceled. It had NO proper ending for the fans. Between this vampire series and Moonlight( which only 1 season) I feel like the whoever is in charge of which shows get aired and renewed are just idiots. Blood Ties was so much better than True Blood which had somewhat of a storyline but mainly depended on 'nudity' to stay on the air, that is par the course for HBO. And the Vampire Diaries was about a much of teens, it was an ok series but it failed on the finale episode, so disappointing. And Twilight, vampires do not sparkle. It was ok not any better than Vampire Diaries. It is at the bottom of the list of vampire TV shows. I might read the books, Blood Ties but not sure if I can handle if the turn out so differently from the show. Blood Ties had the perfect cast with the perfect chemistry.